Sub SplitPath(ByVal Fullpath As String, _ Optional ByRef Drive As String, _ Optional ByRef Path As String, _ Optional ByRef File As String, _ Optional ByRef Title As String, _ Optional ByRef Suffix As String) Dim iPos As Long 'Laufwerk/Server bestimmen: If Mid$(Fullpath, 2, 1) = ":" Then 'Laufwerk: Drive = Left$(Fullpath, 2) Fullpath = Mid$(Fullpath, 3) ElseIf Left$(Fullpath, 2) = "\\" Then 'Server: iPos = InStr(3, Fullpath, "\") Drive = Left$(Fullpath, iPos - 1) Fullpath = Mid$(Fullpath, iPos) End If 'Pfad und Datei trennen: For iPos = Len(Fullpath) To 1 Step -1 If Mid$(Fullpath, iPos, 1) = "\" Then Exit For Next iPos Path = Left$(Fullpath, iPos) File = Mid$(Fullpath, iPos + 1) 'Dateiname und Suffix trennen: For iPos = Len(File) To 1 Step -1 If Mid$(File, iPos, 1) = "." Then Exit For Next iPos If iPos Then Title = Left$(File, iPos - 1) Suffix = Mid$(File, iPos + 1) Else Title = File Suffix = "" End If End SubBeispielsweise gibt das Statement
SplitPath "C:\Temp\Test\abc.xyz.txt", sLW, sPfad, sDatei, sName, sSuffixdie Werte sLW="C:", sPfad="\Temp\Test\", sDatei="abc.xyz.txt", sName="abc.xyz" und sSuffix="txt" zurück.
© Jost Schwider, 27.07.2000-02.11.2000 - http://vb-tec.de/dateipfa.htm